WordPress Daily Edition Theme v1.6.2 Information Leakage Security Vulnerabilities
Exploit Title: WordPress Daily Edition Theme /thumb.php src Parameters Information Leakage Security Vulnerabilities
Product: WordPress Daily Edition Theme
Vendor: WooThemes
Vulnerable Versions: v1.6.* v1.5.* v1.4.* v1.3.* v1.2.* v1.1.* v.1.0.*
Tested Version: v1.6.2
Advisory Publication: March 10, 2015
Latest Update: March 10, 2015
Vulnerability Type: Information Exposure [CWE-200]
CVE Reference: *
Impact CVSS Severity (version 2.0):
CVSS v2 Base Score: 5.0 (MEDIUM) (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) (legend)
Impact Subscore: 2.9
Exploitability Subscore: 10.0
Credit: Wang Jing [Mathematics, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore]
Advisory Details:
(1) Vendor & Product Description:
Product & Vulnerable Versions:
WordPress Daily Edition Theme
version 1.6.7
version 1.6.6
version 1.6.5
version 1.6.4
version 1.6.3
version 1.6.2
version 1.6.1
version 1.6
version 1.5
version 1.4.11
version 1.4.10
version 1.4.9
version 1.4.8
version 1.4.7
version 1.4.6
version 1.4.5
version 1.4.4
version 1.4.3
version 1.4.2
version 1.4.1
version 1.4.0
version 1.3.2
version 1.3.1
version 1.3
version 1.2.1
version 1.2
version 1.1.2
version 1.1.1
version 1.1
version 1.0.12
version 1.0.11
version 1.0.10
version 1.0.9
version 1.0.8
version 1.0.7
version 1.0.6
version 1.0.5
version 1.0.4
version 1.0.3
version 1.0.2
version 1.0.1
version 1.0
Vendor URL & buy:
WordPress Daily Edition Theme can be got from here,
Product Introduction:
“Daily Edition WordPress Theme developed by wootheme team and Daily Edition is a clean, spacious newspaper/magazine theme designed by Liam McKay. With loads of home page modules to enable/disable and a unique java script-based featured scroller and video player the theme oozes sophistication”
“The Daily Edition theme offers users many options, controlled from the widgets area and the theme options page – it makes both the themes appearance and functions flexible. From The Daily Edition 3 option pages you can for example add your Twitter and Google analytics code, some custom CSS and footer content – and in the widgets area you find a practical ads management.”
“Unique Features
These are some of the more unique features that you will find within the theme:
A neat javascript home page featured slider, with thumbnail previews of previous/next slides on hover over the dots.
A “talking points” home page that can display posts according to tags, in order of most commented to least commented. A great way to highlight posts gathering dust in the archives.
A customizable home page layout with options to specify how many full width blog posts and how many “box” posts you would like to display.
A javascript home page video player with thumbnail hover effect.
16 delicious colour schemes to choose from!”
(2) Vulnerability Details:
WordPress Daily Edition Theme has a web application security bug problem. It can be exploited by information leakage attacks. This may allow a remote attacker to disclose the software’s installation path. While such information is relatively low risk, it is often useful in carrying out additional, more focused attacks.
(2.1) The code flaw occurs at “thumb.php?” page with “src” parameters.